Automatic Passenger Counting

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Solution Overview:

Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) System is based on a sophisticated sensor technology for accurate passenger counting. Evaluates real distance and contour data for most accurate people counting. Distinguishes between people & objects.
Transport Solutions for Bus Drivers
automatic passenger counting

Solution Details:

Automatic Passenger Counting System from Masstrans shows live occupancy numbers in public transport vehicles. Sophisticated sensor technology using the ‘Time-of-Flight’ principle distinguishes the number of entries and exits in mass transportation vehicles. These counters store passenger numbers without their identification so that their privacy is protected. The Automatic Passenger Counting System benefits commuters to follow the social distancing recommendations while using public transportation. Across the globe, guidelines restraining the number of on-board passengers in public transit have been introduced in a number of cities to ensure the well-being of passengers and drivers.


  • Latest Time of Flight (TOF) Technology produces 3Dimages instead of 2D contrasts of detection area, people, & objects
  • Evaluates real distance and contour data for most accurate people counting. Distinguishes between people & objects
  • Mounting directly in door space enables reliable passenger detection