Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS)

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  8.  » Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS)

Solution Overview:

Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) considers developing countries traffic scenarios, vehicular movements and responds in real time.
Adaptive Traffic Control System
Adaptive Traffic Control System uses downstream detection

Solution Details:

It uses downstream detection and provides user friendly interface to support day-to-day operation. Traffic data from junctions is consolidated in a central traffic system and Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) algorithm determines optimized red-green phases of traffic signals in order to achieve junctions green-green synchronization across entire region of deployment. ATCS dynamically adapts to changing traffic conditions in real time. ATCS uses machine learning algorithms to analyse real-time traffic data from vehicle detectors to determine signal timings that are optimal for existing traffic conditions.

The duration of traffic signal’s red-green phases and green waves is automatically changed every cycle by examining the traffic conditions at intersections along the corridors or entire region of deployment.


  • Reduce congestion with real-time traffic management
  • Reduced air pollution
  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Reduced delays
  • Enhanced public transport time and reliability

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